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Author Archives: Nancy Warren

Wildlife Grazing on our Public Lands, Permit Retirement is a Solution

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has ordered that the Profanity wolf pack in northeast Washington be killed. As of today at least six wolves have already been killed. The kill order is the result of on-going depredations of … read more

The Profanity Peak Pack: Loss of wolves and academic freedom

The recent killing of six members of the Profanity Peak wolf pack in NE Washington in retribution for the loss of a few cattle is emblematic of what is wrong with public land policy. As I write, trappers are out … read more

Research Review Finds that Weak Science has Bolstered the U.S. Government’s Predator-Control Practices

Non-lethal methods were more effective than lethal methods in preventing carnivore predation on livestock generally… read more

Historical Range of Mexican Wolves

Re-defining historical geographic range in species with sparse records: Implications for the Mexican wolf reintroduction program Sarah A. Hendricks, Paul R. Sesink Clee, Ryan J. Harrigan c, John P. Pollinger, Adam H. Freedman, Richard Callas, Peter J. Figura, Robert K. … read more

Two Wolves Remain on Isle Royale

Having survived another year, it is likely that only two wolves remain on Isle Royale. A researcher from Michigan Technological University surveyed the island this winter, part of the longest running predator-prey study in the world. read more

Blood Does Not Buy Goodwill

These findings offer the first quantitative evidence that government authorization of any legal killing of wolves appears to increase illegal killing. read more

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