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Author Archives: Nathan Lyle

National Wolfwatcher Coalition Announces 2025 Wolf Education Mini-Grants Available

We are proud to announce that we will again be awarding mini-grants for wolf education and includes the promotion of non-lethal measures to minimize wolf conflicts. Due date for submission is July 31, 2025  and will be awarded in the amount … read more

Intrinsic and environmental drivers of pairwise cohesion in wild Canis social groups

Animals within social groups respond to costs and benefits of sociality by adjusting the proportion of time they spend in close proximity to other individuals in the group (cohesion). Variation in cohesion between individuals, in turn, shapes important group-level processes … read more

A mummified Pleistocene gray wolf pup

In July 2016, a mummified carcass of an ancient wolf (Canis lupus) pup (specimen YG 648.1) was discovered in thawing permafrost in the Klondike goldfields, near Dawson City, Yukon, Canada (Figure 1A). The wolf pup mummy was recovered along a … read more

Alliances between conservation and animal activism

Conservation is in no danger of being too effective. One means of enhancing effectiveness is via alliances, such as between conservationists and animal activists and others who have similar or common goals. By acting jointly to further campaigns to pass … read more

Species recovery as a half empty process: the case against ignoring social ecology for gray wolf recovery

The criteria used to assess recovery under the US Endangered Species Act (ESA) often fall short when considering social, group-living species. To illustrate this, we use recent insights on sociality in gray wolves to highlight how such definitional failures in … read more

Exploring the efficacy of identity priming and message framing in influencing American attitudes toward trophy hunting

In the United States, the general public typically disapproves of trophy hunting. Given the global ubiquity of the practice, its potential to benefit conservation when properly managed, and the substantial role played by American hunter-tourists, changing these attitudes can help … read more

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