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Baucus presses for state control over wolves

Montana’s senior U.S. Senator Max Baucus yesterday called on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to move to allow all Montana ranchers to actively protect their livestock. read more

Where the wild things are: Alaska Part II

“About three years ago, I was lugging a pack full of blasting caps and baked beans along this brown-bear infested creek…” read more

Grizzly vs. Wolf Video

Video of a wolf engaging a grizzly and her two cubs…or , the other way around! Watch… read more

AZ Ranchers and Conservationists Begin New Era in Wolf Management

The Mexican gray wolf reintroduction program along the Arizona-New Mexico border is moving into a new phase. read more

Wolf Hunting video

Great National Geographic video of wolf hunting tactics…timeless read more

Defenders say it’s met obligation on wolf payments

Defenders announced on Aug. 20 that it would be ending its precedent-setting compensation program on Sept. 10 in response to new federal legislation that provides funding for state programs to take its place. read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition