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#StandForWolves Campaign Needs Your Voice

October 28th will be the last opportunity to #StandForWolves in our nation. Please be sure your voice is heard! read more

NWC Great Lakes Director Demands An Honest Debate

The wildlife in this country is held in the public’s trust. This implies that we ALL share equal, undivided interests in our wild animals. The debate about an upcoming hunt in Michigan must be honest and citizens must informed with confirmed facts. read more

Jr. Advocate Alyssa Grayson: “It’s Up to Us To Use Our Voices”

The voice of the next generation implores us to find solutions. Will we honor our commitment to our children to bestow them a healthy, balanced wilderness? read more

Alyssa Grayson Gives Keynote Address at National Event

Junior Advocate, Alyssa Grayson, speaks out against proposed delisting draft rule and urges or participation in the process. read more

Family Walk to Protect America’s Wild Heritage

A great opportunity for kids and families to participate on the National Day of Action to support ESA protections for America’s wolves. read more

Big Lake Howliday Campout Weekend

Given the nature of Mexican wolf recovery, wholly within the states of Arizona and New Mexico, events such as this are critical in building awareness, not only locally but nationally. read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition