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Big Lake Howliday Campout Weekend

Given the nature of Mexican wolf recovery, wholly within the states of Arizona and New Mexico, events such as this are critical in building awareness, not only locally but nationally. read more

The cause endures and the mission continues…

This is NO time to give up on wolf recovery. The mission continues and the cause endures for however long it takes. read more

Keeping the Debate Honest in Michigan

We welcome spirited and intelligent debate when it comes to seeking common ground. Nancy Warren keeps it honest, too. read more

Eastern Wolves Deserve Recognition

Although US Fish and Wildlife does seemingly acknowledge the Eastern Wolf (canis lycaon) in the Northeast, and while it is important to protect this species, we also believe it is just as important that they acknowledge the gray wolf (canis lupus) and protect this species in the Northeast, as well. read more

An Important Message

“While the cause of wolf preservation is challenging, Wolfwatcher’s commitment remains steadfast when it comes to educating and advocating for wolves based on the best available science and the principles of democracy. ” read more

New research confirms wolves trigger a trophic cascade (Wisconsin)

“The results of this research indicated clear evidence that the presence of wolves is associated with a trophic cascade of events.” read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition