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Wolf Delisting Challenges Demonstrate Need for an Improved Framework for Conserving Intraspecific Variation under the Endangered Species Act

If applied generally to other species, the 2019 rule’s approach to ESA implementation would represent a significant scaling back of recovery efforts for widely distributed species that would increase both short term vulnerability and long-term loss of adaptive potential. Recent … read more

What is an Endangered Species?

The query “What is an endangered species?” is quickly transformed into a far tougher question: How much loss should a species endure before we agree that the species deserves special protections and concerted effort for its betterment? Judgments about acceptable … read more

Petition to Maintain Protections for Gray Wolves (Canis lupus) in the Lower 48 States as Endangered or Threatened “Distinct Population Segments” Under the Endangered Species Act

Photo Credit: Oregon Dept of Fish & Wildlife Image of 72lb Female Minam Pack The Center for Biological Diversity and the Humane Society of the United States petitioned the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to maintain protection for gray wolves under the Endangered … read more

Most Americans support Endangered Species Act despite increasing efforts to curtail it

Political and business interests don’t appear to align with public’s view, study finds. read more

The paradoxical extinction of the most charismatic animals

An international study suggests that the popularity of tigers, lions, polar bears, wolves and others may actually contribute to the species’ downfall, in part because many people believe their iconic stature guarantees their survival. read more

Coyote Control Based on Scientific House of Cards

Complaint Seeks to End Federal Reliance on Flawed 42-Year-Old Study / Dec 20, 2017 Washington, DC — Federal strategy and funding for coyote control efforts are all rooted in one inaccurate, speculative, and outmoded 1975 study, according to a complaint filed … read more

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