
Rediscovery of Red Wolf Ghost Alleles in a Canid Population Along the American Gulf Coast
December 29, 2018
Though red wolves were declared extinct in the wild by 1980, a team of biologists has found their DNA in a group of canines living on Galveston Island off the coast of Texas. DOWNLOAD PDF
Posted in News, Regional Wolves, Southeast-Red Wolves | Tagged alleles, along, canid, ghost, population, rediscovery

Petition to Maintain Protections for Gray Wolves (Canis lupus) in the Lower 48 States as Endangered or Threatened “Distinct Population Segments” Under the Endangered Species Act
December 29, 2018
Photo Credit: Oregon Dept of Fish & Wildlife Image of 72lb Female Minam Pack The Center for Biological Diversity and the Humane Society of the United States petitioned the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to maintain protection for gray wolves under the Endangered … read more
Posted in Front Page News, News | Tagged canis, lupus, maintain, petition, protections, wolves

The unique genetic adaptation of the Himalayan wolf to high altitudes and consequences for conservation
December 1, 2018
Werhahn et al The research, conducted by British and Nepalese researchers, confirms that the proposed Himalayan wolf is an ancient wolf lineage, has developed unique adaptations to its environment and has to be conserved. DOWNLOAD PDF ABSTRACT: The Himalayan wolf seems … read more
Posted in Canada, Europe, & Asia Wolves, News, Regional Wolves | Tagged adaptation, altitudes, consequences, genetic, himalayan, unique

Genetic management and setting recovery goals for Mexican wolves (Canis lupus baileyi) in the wild
November 1, 2018
Recovery targets should emphasize practical considerations that are likely to immediately impact success, rather than an inexact genetic rule of thumb Harding et al DOWNLOAD PDF
Posted in News, Regional Wolves, Southwest Wolves | Tagged genetic, goals, management, mexican, recovery, setting

Some of the Pacific Northwest’s Wolves Have Coastal Genes
September 30, 2018
Wolves are recolonizing Washington, Oregon, and California, but new genetic research shows there’s something odd about these new arrivals. Wolves were wiped out in Washington State in the early 20th century—the victims of bounty hunting as ranching and farming expanded … read more
Posted in News, Pacific West Wolves, Regional Wolves | Tagged coastal, genes, northwest, pacific, wolves

University of Arizona genetics research verifies purity of Mexican wolf
September 1, 2018
Genome-Wide Analysis of SNPs Is Consistent with No Domestic Dog Ancestry in the Endangered Mexican Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) Robert R. Fitak, Sarah E. Rinkevich, and Melanie Culver From the Department of Biology, Duke University, Box 90338 Durham, NC 27708 … read more
Posted in News, Regional Wolves, Southwest Wolves | Tagged arizona, genetics, purity, research, university, verifies