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News ≀ Regional Wolves ≀ Great Lakes Wolves

Urgent Alert – Michiganders Unite for Wolves

“Calls are urgently needed to Michigan Senators and Representatives. Ask them to oppose Senate Bill 288. If you are not a MI resident, please pass along to a Michigan voter!” read more

Wisconsin: Spring Conservation Congress Update

“Please consider attending and sharing the following as a Wolfwatcher supporter. We appreciate your willingness to speak out on behalf of wolves.” read more

Keep Michigan Wolves Protected: UPDATE

“More than 2,000 Michigan residents volunteered for Keep Michigan Wolves Protected, a coalition of animal welfare groups, conservationists, hunters and sportsmen, veterinarians, Native American tribes and faith leaders..” read more

Wisconsinites Unite Against Hunting With Dogs

“ is up to the citizens of Wisconsin who oppose the use of dogs for wolf hunting to urge their legislators to support SB93 so that the bill moves out of committee and proceeds smoothly through the legislative process.” read more

Wisconsin Spring Conservation Congress Hearings/Public Comments

“You should familiarize yourself with the questionnaire. There are many questions that may interest you, not just the use of dogs to hunt wolves.” Nancy Warren, Great Lakes Regional Director

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Michigan DNR Hosts Public Meetings on Wolf Management

“Michigan’s DNR will be holding public meetings regarding the potential wolf hunting season. ” read more

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