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News ≀ Regional Wolves ≀ Southwest Wolves

Genetic management and setting recovery goals for Mexican wolves (Canis lupus baileyi) in the wild

Recovery targets should emphasize practical considerations that are likely to immediately impact success, rather than an inexact genetic rule of thumb Harding et al DOWNLOAD PDF

University of Arizona genetics research verifies purity of Mexican wolf

Genome-Wide Analysis of SNPs Is Consistent with No Domestic Dog Ancestry in the Endangered Mexican Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) Robert R. Fitak, Sarah E. Rinkevich, and Melanie Culver From the Department of Biology, Duke University, Box 90338 Durham, NC 27708 … read more

Mexican Wolf Decision Order

March 30, 2018 – A federal judge rejected provisions in a 2015 federal management rule that unlawfully imposed roadblocks to recovery of the endangered Mexican wolf. The rule arbitrarily limited the lobos’ population numbers, banned them from needed recovery habitat, and loosened the … read more

Mexican Wolf Recovery Program Finds Evidence of Cross-Fostering Success

Phoenix, AZ.— In their native habitat of the southwestern United States, the success of cross-fostered pups among the Mexican wolf population is being documented due to dedicated and collaborative efforts among several agencies and organizations, including the Arizona Game and … read more

Historical Range of Mexican Wolves

Re-defining historical geographic range in species with sparse records: Implications for the Mexican wolf reintroduction program Sarah A. Hendricks, Paul R. Sesink Clee, Ryan J. Harrigan c, John P. Pollinger, Adam H. Freedman, Richard Callas, Peter J. Figura, Robert K. … read more

#StandForWolves Campaign Needs Your Voice

October 28th will be the last opportunity to #StandForWolves in our nation. Please be sure your voice is heard! read more

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