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Resources ≀ Conflicts

Modelling concerns confound evaluations of legal wolf-killing

Letter to the editor at Liberg et al. (2020)’s interesting article on the effect of legal killing on poaching and disappearance of wolves continued the seminal work of Liberg et al. (2012). However, our eyes were caught by unusual … read more

Grey wolf predation on livestock in relation to prey availability

Conflict between humans and large carnivores hinders carnivore conservation worldwide. Livestock depredations by large carnivores is the main cause of conflict, triggering poaching and retaliatory killings by humans. Resolving this conflict requires an understanding of the factors that cause large … read more

Predator Control Needs a Standard of Unbiased Randomized Experiments With Cross-Over Design

Despite over 20 years of searching for answers about predator control, the policy intervention of killing predators that threaten domestic animals has not been subjected to unbiased randomized experimental tests of effectiveness.   Rapid, global changes, such as extinction and … read more

Carnivore Conservation Needs Evidence-Based Livestock Protection

Scientists alone cannot transform policies for implementation. The pursuit of science-based management must be truly interdisciplinary and involve carnivore ecologists, animal husbandry scientists, social scientists, natural resource managers, ethicists, and other scholars and practitioners. Political leaders can also play a … read more

Effects of Wolf Mortality on Livestock Depredations

Predator control and sport hunting are often used to reduce predator populations and livestock depredations, – but the efficacy of lethal control has rarely been tested. We assessed the effects of wolf mortality on reducing livestock depredations in Idaho, Montana … read more

Managing Conflict: Coexistence with Bears, Cougars, and Wolves

Wolves, grizzly bears, and cougars are symbolic and contested animals. They are vital to ecosystem health, but represent wilderness and mystery to some and vermin and destruction to others. Whether large carnivore populations expand numerically or spatially is not a … read more

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