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Resources ≀ Human Safety

An Update on Fatalities Due to Venomous and Nonvenomous Animals in the United States (2008–2015)

Injuries, maiming, and fatalities from animal encounters remain an important public health issue in the United States. Humans can be harmed by animals through bites, stings, strikes, crushing, or contact. These animal-related injuries result in considerable morbidity and financial loss; … read more

Brain, Craniofacial, and Dental Lesions of a Free-ranging Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) Implicated in a Human Attack in Minnesota

We describe significant brain, craniofacial, and dental lesions in a freeranging wolf (Canis lupus) involved in a human attack. On postmortem examination, the wolf presented asymmetric atrophy and bone remodeling affecting the mandible, incisive, maxilla, lacrimal, palatine, frontal, and ethmoid … read more

Findings Related to the March 2010 Fatal Wolf Attack near Chignik Lake, Alaska

At approximately 6:00 p.m. on March 8, 2010 the body of Candice Berner was discovered next to a snow-covered road approximately two miles from the community of Chignik Lake, Alaska. The Alaska Departments of Public Safety (DPS) and Health and … read more

The Fear of Wolves – A Review of Wolf Attacks on Humans

Because of the large scales at which large carnivores live, their conservation cannot occur only within protected areas. They must therefore be conserved within multi-use landscapes where conflicts with humans occur. Conflicts are diverse and include depredation on livestock and … read more

A Case History of Wolf-Human Encounters in Alaska & Canada

Currently there are an estimated 59,000-70,000 wolves (Canis lupus) in Alaska and Canada. Past reviews of wolf-human interactions concluded that wild, healthy wolves in North America present little threat to human safety. However, since 1970 some cases have appeared in … read more

Living With Wolves: Tips for Avoiding Conflicts

Wolves are shy and generally avoid humans. Most people will never see a wolf, let alone have a conflict with one. Wolves can, however, lose their fear of humans through habituation and may approach camping are a s, homes or … read more

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