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Resources ≀ Hunting Wolves

Humans drive spatial variation in mortality risk for a threatened wolf population in a Canis hybrid zone

Large carnivores often exhibit high survival rates in protected areas, whereas intentional and unintentional human-caused mortality may be greater in adjacent areas. These patterns can result in source-sink dynamics and limit population expansion beyond protected areas. We used telemetry data … read more

Human‐caused wolf mortality persists for years after discontinuation of hunting

By the mid-twentieth century, wolves were nearly extinct in the lower 48 states, with a small number surviving in northern Minnesota. After wolves were placed on the endangered species list in 1973, the northern Minnesota wolf population increased and stabilized … read more

Efficacy of Killing Large Carnivores to Enhance Moose Harvests: New Insights from a Long-Term View

We analyzed harvest data to test hypotheses that nearly 4 decades of effort to reduce abundance of brown bears (Ursus arctos), black bears (U. americanus) and gray wolves (Canis lupis) in an 60,542 km2 area in south-central Alaska (Game Management … read more

A new era of wolf management demands better data and a more inclusive process

Hunting and trapping of gray wolves (Canis lupus) has increased dramatically in the “lower 48” states of the United States. We assess the data used to justify the intense hunting pressure on wolves, and find an absence of accessible biological … read more

Questionable policy for large carnivore hunting

U.S. wolf-hunting policies do not align with ecological theory or data Terrestrial large carnivores are in rapid global decline, with consequences for ecosystem structure and function. Among drivers of these declines, legal hunting is unique because it is intentional and … read more

Science and Ethics Agree: Coexistence Must Replace Killing Wolves (Part 2)

To put it mildly, the ethical deliberations underlying current wolf (and most wildlife) management are inadequate, with short shrift given to the harms caused to all involved. Contrary to some Indigenous perspectives, Euro-North American federal and state agencies do not … read more

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