Resources » Non-Lethal Management Tools
Resources ≀ Non-Lethal Management Tools

How Long Do Anti-Predator Interventions Remain Effective? Patterns, Thresholds and Uncertainty
October 31, 2019
Human–predator conflicts are globally widespread, and effective interventions are essential to protect human assets from predator attacks. As effectiveness also has a temporal dimension, it is of importance to know how long interventions remain most effective and to determine time … read more
Posted in Non-Lethal Management Tools | Tagged effective, interventions, patterns, predator, remain, thresholds, uncertainty

Spatial associations of livestock guardian dogs and domestic sheep
August 30, 2019
Livestock guardian dogs (Canis lupus familiaris; LGDs) have been used for centuries to protect livestock, primarily domestic sheep (Ovis aries), from depredation by large carnivores. While previous studies have shown their efficacy, the mechanisms in which LGDs protect livestock have … read more
Posted in Non-Lethal Management Tools | Tagged associations, domestic, guardian, livestock, sheep, spatial

Livestock Guardian Dogs and Cattle Protection: Opportunities, Challenges, and Methods
July 3, 2019
Producer interest in using livestock guardian dogs (Canis lupus familiaris; LGDs) to protect domestic cattle (Bos taurus) is driven by expanding large carnivore predator populations and increased public concerns regarding lethal predator control in North America. However, few resources exist … read more
Posted in Non-Lethal Management Tools | Tagged cattle, challenges, guardian, livestock, methods, opportunities, protection

Carnivore–Livestock Conflicts in Chile: Evidence and Methods for Mitigation
July 3, 2019
Human population growth and habitat loss have exacerbated human–wildlife conflicts worldwide. We explored trends in human–wildlife conflicts (HWCs) in Chile using scientific and official reports to identify areas and species with higher risk of conflicts and tools available for their … read more
Posted in Non-Lethal Management Tools | Tagged carnivore, chile, conflicts, evidence, livestock, methods, mitigation

Reducing Conflict with Grizzly Bears, Wolves, and Elk – a Western Landowner’s Guide
July 3, 2019
Western Landowners Alliance is deeply grateful for the landowners and ranchers, resource managers and others listed below whose collective knowledge and hands-on experience created the substance of this guide. This guide is a compilation of contributions from each of these … read more
Posted in Non-Lethal Management Tools | Tagged bears, conflict, grizzly, landowner, reducing, western, wolves

A Livestock Guardian Dog by Any Other Name: Similar Response to Wolves Across Livestock Guardian Dog Breeds
July 3, 2019
Nonlethal tools for reducing livestock depredations, such as livestock guardian dogs (LGDs; Canis familiaris), reduce lethal management of livestock predators and have been widely adopted by domestic sheep (Ovis aries) producers in the United States. However, compared with their success … read more
Posted in Non-Lethal Management Tools | Tagged across, guardian, livestock, other, response, similar, wolves