Resources » Predator/Prey Relationships » Caribou
Resources ≀ Predator/Prey Relationships ≀ Caribou
Grey wolves (Canis lupus) shift selection of anthropogenic landscape features following predator control in the Nearctic boreal forest
October 6, 2024
Conserving endangered species sometimes involves killing their predators. In the case of Nearctic wolves (Canis lupus), rarely are lethal control measures examined for ancillary effects on predator behaviour or community responses in a before-after design. We examined wolf relative abundance … read more
Posted in Caribou, Predator/Prey Relationships | Tagged boreal forest, Camera trapping, Conservation actions, endangered species, Landscape change, predator control, species distribution models, wildlife management
Indigenous-led conservation: Pathways to recovery for the nearly extirpated Klinse-Za mountain caribou
November 2, 2022
Indigenous Peoples around the northern hemisphere have long relied on caribou for subsistence and for ceremonial and community purposes. Unfortunately, despite recovery efforts by federal and provincial agencies, caribou are currently in decline in many areas across Canada. In response … read more
Posted in Caribou, Predator/Prey Relationships, Resources | Tagged endangered species, indigenous protected and conserved area, rights and title
Habitat loss accelerates for the endangered woodland caribou in western Canada
November 2, 2022
Habitat loss is often the ultimate cause of species endangerment and is also a leading factor inhibiting species recovery. For this reason, species-at-risk legislation, policies and plans typically focus on habitat conservation and restoration as mechanisms for recovery. To assess … read more
Posted in Caribou, Predator/Prey Relationships, Resources | Tagged endangered species, habitat loss, species at risk, woodland caribou
Efficacy and ethics of intensive predator management to save endangered caribou
November 2, 2022
Lethal population control has a history of application to wildlife management and conservation. There is debate about the efficacy of the practice, but more controversial is the ethical justification and methods of killing one species in favor of another. This … read more
Posted in Caribou, Predator/Prey Relationships, Resources | Tagged anthropogenic disturbance, compassionate conservation, conservation strategy effectiveness, ethics, gray wolf, management tool, predator management, public support, Rangifer tarandus caribou, woodland caribou
Caribou encounters with wolves increase near roads and trails: a time-to-event approach
October 27, 2020
Caribou and reindeer Rangifer tarandus are declining across North America and Scandinavia in part from wolf Canis lupus-mediated apparent competition with more abundant ungulate prey species. While caribou generally persist in areas with low wolf density, wolf packs that overlap … read more
Posted in Caribou, Predator/Prey Relationships | Tagged Banff National Park, Canis lupus, linear features, predation risk, Rangifer tarandus, recovery, resource selection, spatial separation, species at risk, survival
No statistical support for wolf control and maternal penning as conservation measures for endangered mountain caribou
August 2, 2020
In 2019, the government of British Columbia killed more than 460 wolves as part of the province’s multimillion-dollar caribou recovery plan. Now, a study from the University of Alberta suggests that the cull is doing little to save the most … read more
Posted in Caribou