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Resources ≀ Predator/Prey Relationships ≀ Deer

Wolves, deer, and deer hunting in northeastern Minnesota: the data

There is much debate regarding the role wolves have on deer populations and deer hunting in particular. Many have stated that wolves are “decimating” the deer population in Minnesota and that we need to kill wolves to resolve this issue. … read more

Eat or be eaten: Implications of potential exploitative competition between wolves and humans across predator-savvy and predator-naive deer populations

Recolonization of predators to their former ranges is becoming increasingly prevalent. Such recolonization places predators among their prey once again; the latter having lived without predation (from such predators) for a considerable time. This renewed coexistence creates opportunities to explore … read more

Factors Limiting Deer Abundance in the Upper Peninsula

In the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, there are numerous factors that may act singularly or in combination to influence deer abundance. For instance, if food availability was greatly reduced, especially during critical times, or habitat that is essential for survival … read more

Winter survival and cause-specific mortality of white-tailed deer in northern Minnesota: An update

Ongoing studies that examine the influences of environmental, intrinsic, and demographic factors on survival and cause-specific mortality rates of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) have been critical to enhancing our understanding of population performance and to improving management. A recent evaluation … read more

Influence of body mass and environmental conditions on winter mortality risk of a northern ungulate: Evidence for a late-winter survival bottleneck

A relationship between winter weather and survival of northern ungulates has long been established, yet the possible roles of biological (e.g., nutritional status) and environmental (e.g., weather) conditions make it important to determine which potential limiting factors are most influential. … read more

Effects on White-Tailed Deer Following Eastern Coyote Colonization

The expansion or recovery of predators can affect local prey populations. Since the 1940s, coyotes (Canis latrans) have expanded into eastern North America where they are now the largest predator and prey on white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). However, their effect … read more

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