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Resources ≀ Predator/Prey Relationships ≀ Moose

Links Between Osteoarthritis, Periodontital Disease And Osteoporosis In A Wild Mammal Population

The purpose of this study was to document the prevalence and severity of osteoarthritis and how it varied with age and among sexes in a wild population of moose. We also assessed whether the prevalence and severity of osteoarthritis was … read more

Response of Moose Hunters to Predation following Wolf Return in Sweden

Background: Predation and hunter harvest constitute the main mortality factors affecting the size and dynamics of many exploited populations. The re-colonization by wolves (Canis lupus) of the Scandinavian Peninsula may therefore substantially reduce hunter harvest of moose (Alces alces), the … read more

Observations of Deer and Wolves during the 2017 Moose Survey Mike Schrage, Fond du Lac Resource Management Division

Each year, we conduct an aerial survey in northeastern Minnesota in an effort to monitor moose numbers (DelGiudice, 2017). While the objectives of this annual survey are to estimate moose numbers and demographics; since 2010, wolf and deer observations have … read more

Minnesota Moose Are Some Tough Critters But Research Is Showing That Complex Factors Are Combining To Make Their Survival More And More Precarious

Minnesota moose are some tough critters but research is showing that complex factors are combining to make their survival more and more precarious. Just how tough are moose? And how complex can the situation become for the largest member of … read more

Parasites Deer Carry Into Minnesota’s North Woods Have Emerged As The Leading Cause Of Death For Moose, State And Tribal Biologists Have Concluded

After spending millions of dollars and tracking hundreds of moose with GPS collars, scientists have pinpointed the primary culprit behind the animal’s ever-shrinking numbers in Minnesota. It’s the deer. Parasites they carry into Minnesota’s North Woods have emerged as the … read more

Understanding The Impact Of Meningeal Worm, Parelaphostrongylus Tenuis, On Moose Populations

Declines in moose (Alces alces) populations have occurred repeatedly during the past century on the southern fringe of moose range in central and eastern North America, generally in the same geo-climatic regions. These prolonged declines, occurring over a number of … read more

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