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News » Front Page News » Petition to Maintain Protections for Gray Wolves (Canis lupus) in the Lower 48 States as Endangered or Threatened “Distinct Population Segments” Under the Endangered Species Act

Petition to Maintain Protections for Gray Wolves (Canis lupus) in the Lower 48 States as Endangered or Threatened “Distinct Population Segments” Under the Endangered Species Act

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Photo Credit: Oregon Dept of Fish & Wildlife Image of 72lb Female Minam Pack

The Center for Biological Diversity and the Humane Society of the United States petitioned the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to maintain protection for gray wolves under the Endangered Species Act.

The petition aims to continue federal protection and funding of wolf-recovery efforts and encourage the Service to develop a national recovery plan for the species. It would also give the agency regulatory flexibility to permit state wildlife managers to address specific wolf conflicts.

Stripping away federal protection would allow states to open trophy hunting and trapping seasons on wolves. It would also halt wolf recovery in the Adirondacks, southern Rockies and other areas scientists have identified as suitable habitat. Wolves remain absent from approximately 90 percent of the places where they once lived.  


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