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Alliance for the Wild Rockies Researching the Wolf Delisting

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Mike Garrity of the Alliance for the Wild Rockies states his attorneys are researching and hoping to file a lawsuit against the recent wolf delisting decision.

Mike Garrity, Executive Director for Alliance for the Wild Rockies, sent me the following text, and is asking for support as his Group’s attorneys research possible lawsuit options to fight the recent wolf delisting. Please read the following letter and support their cause. If a lawsuit is presented by the Alliance, everyone should do their best to support it as any chance, no matter how small, is important with hope that it might possibly reverse the recent action by Congress.

Read Mike’s e-mail :

Dear Dave,

We are consulting with our attorneys about challenging the rider on constitutional grounds in that Congress violated the separation of powers part of the constitution. Congress can change any law they want but in the wolf rider, they didn’t change the law they just said the delisting was legal and couldn’t be challenged in court.

I don’t want to make any promises since a case isn’t filed until it is filed, our attorneys are still researching. They are looking into it and think we have a good potential case. If you could encourage people to donate to us to help research and prepare a lawsuit, every dollar helps.


Michael Garrity

Executive Director

Alliance for the Wild Rockies

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