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Maggie Howell Talks Wolves, on FOX!

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Maggie Howell took a trip into New York City this afternoon to visit FOX..not the animal, but the Network.

Maggie is the Managing Director at the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem, NY.  At the Center, which is open to the public, you will find wolves, and more wolves.  The WCC runs an impressive Ambassador Wolf Program, with Atka,

Atka, ..Ambassador wolf at the Wolf Conservation Center

a magnificent Arctic wolf , being the star.  Maggie can be found, along with Atka, traveling to schools, libraries, museums, and just about any other venue one could think of,  educating people about wolves, and  also dispelling  many myths that have accumulated over the years.  An in depth fun and factual  presentation, combined with a visit from a real live wolf makes for quite a successful program.

There are two other very special ambassador wolves on site at the Wolf Conservation Center, brother and sister Gray wolves Zephyr and Alawa.  Still pups ,they are growing every day and are fun to watch .Visiting the WCC one has a chance to learn so much about wolves . Great educational presentations targeted at all ages, makes for a great visit!

The WCC  also supports Mexican Gray wolves and Red wolves that are part of the SSP ( Species Survival Program).  There are also Mexican Gray wolves and Red wolves that are visible to the public as well.  Twenty five wolves call the Wolf Conservation Center home! Visit for more information.

Watch the video as Maggie talks on Fox Live about a subject she knows so very well : Wolves!

Maggie is also a Board Member with National Wolfwatcher Coalition.

National Wolfwatcher Coalition

Understand, Love, Protect


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