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Mexican Gray Wolves : On the move at the Wolf Conservation Center

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Mexican Gray Wolves moved to new enclosure at the Wolf Conservation Center   (August 31, 2011)

Hurricane Irene wreaked havoc up and down the east coast, and the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem, NY certainly felt the affects. With trees down all over the region, one pen at the Center was damaged extensively, requiring the capture, removal, and relocation of three Mexican Gray Wolves.

Mexican Gray Wolves relocated at the Wolf Conservation Center

Maggie Howell, Wolf Conservation Center Director, called me the day before and asked if I would be able to help with the move.  Absolutely, and excited to help with such an endeavor.  I called our Student Outreach Coordinator Adam Markey and needless to say Adam was totally on board as well.

Adam and I headed to the WCC early on the 31st of August.  I was still without power at my home, and much of the area  that we drove through was as well. When we arrived at the Center around 9:30am we witnessed the damage to the area surrounding and including the Center.  Power was out all over but that didn’t deter the many volunteers that showed up to help out with this most important project.

Maggie stated that the three wolves to be relocated were two males, and they were known as the Oklahoma Boys,  They were transferred here from the Oklahoma Zoo,  The alpha female, F749 is a very special Mexican Gray Wolf.  She is part of the Recovery Program and displays the best genetics of any female presently in the program.  She was picked to mate with M740 this coming season with the hope that a litter of new wolf pups that may one day be released into the Southwest .

With  staff personnel Maggie , Rebecca, and Spencer explaining how we were going to capture the wolves and then transport them to a safe temporary pen for release, Adam and I were ready to help, as were the many other volunteers.  The capture and release went extremely well with little stress to the wolves.  It was a great experience to be a part of this endeavor .

WATCH THE VIDEO:   What you will see is the planning and the capture of  the two male lobos, the alpha male and his brother. They were then released into the new pen. The third wolf, F749, the alpha female, is the last wolf to be released. She and M740, also located at the WCC, have been selected to be part of the 2012 breeding program for the Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery Program.  ENJOY!


Mexican Gray Wolves: On the Move at the Wolf Conservation Center from Dave Hornoff on Vimeo.


 Dave Hornoff

National Wolfwatcher Coalition

Understand, Love, Protect


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