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Minnesota: Last Day for Comments on Wolf Plan!

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Last day to howl on behalf of Minnesota wolves –

The Minnesota State Legislature created a wolf hunting/trapping season ignoring the 5 year moratorium that was supposed to protect the wolf for 5 years following delisting. Minnesota DNR is accepting comments through June 20th. Note: Anyone may comment but to comment, you must click “Take the Survey” tab:

The survey is biased towards accepting the plan, however, you may leave answers blank and the last question allows you to submit a statement.

DNR is proposing the following:

A quota of 400 wolves to be killed.

The use of snares will be allowed.

The early wolf hunting season (legal firearms or archery) will be concurrent with the deer season and open only in that portion of the state where rifles can be used to hunt deer.

The early season dates are Nov. 3-18 in Zone 1 (Series 100 deer permit areas – northeastern and east-central Minnesota) and Nov. 3-11 in the rifle zone portion of Zone 2 (Series 200 deer permit areas – central and northwestern Minnesota). The early season will close before those dates if the target harvest quota of 200 is reached sooner.

No trapping will be allowed in the early season.

The late hunting and trapping season will open Nov. 24 statewide. It will close Jan. 6 or when the total target harvest quota of 400 is met, whichever is sooner.

Licensed wolf hunters will be responsible for checking each day to assure that the season is still open.

The bag limit is one wolf per licensee.

While the structure of this hunting season is more reasonable that other states, Wolfwatcher has strong objections to many of the components of the hunting/trapping season.

Minnesota’s wolf population (estimated to be 3000 wolves) has been relatively stable for more than a decade with no significant change in the number or distribution of wolves in the state. While we support the management problem wolves, there is no scientific evidence to support the need for a recreational hunting/trapping season in areas where wolves have not caused depredation and are not likely to cause depredation. We support the closure of core habitat and the protection of collared animals and encourage buffer zones around tribal lands. Snaring is being proposed by DNR even though it is not mandated by law; again, there is no scientific evidence to support the need for snaring.

Residents of Minnesota as well as non-residents can comment. Be sure to read through all the questions to the end where there is a place for additional comments.

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