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Northern Rockies Wolves under Fire!

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Eight Yellowstone wolves have been shot and killed during the wolf hunts in the Northern Rockies. Most recently, two wolves from the Lamar Canyon Pack – its infamous alpha female “06”  and its beta male, 754M.  We have every reason to believe that collared Yellowstone wolves are being targeted in the wolf hunts in the Northern Rockies. These wolves are part of federally funded scientific studies supported by millions of tax dollars, and they are now those studies are completely compromised.

In addition, millions of dollars are brought to the region by eco-tourists who travel to the Park from all over the world to observe these specific wolves. Will Wyoming and all the states in the Northern Rockies wake up when suddenly all the tourist dollars dry up?

We ask that you call/email/fax the numbers below to let your voice be heard.

Tell them:

  • You are outraged by Wyoming’s irresponsible wolf management plan that allows wolves to be killed on sight and their obvious support of hunters killing collared wolves in their state to the detriment of scientific research.
  • Wyoming, as a destination, has NOTHING to offer us as potential visitors who bring our hard-earned tourist dollars to their state to enjoy, not kill, its wildlife.


WYOMING GAME AND FISH (307) 777-4600


307.777.7434 (phone)

307.632.3909 (fax) (contact email)  E-Mail:

Wyoming’s Official State Tourism Office:

Wyoming Office of Tourism

5611 High Plains Road
Cheyenne, WY 82007
(307) 777-7777 Phone
(307) 777-2877 Fax

*Post photo by Doug McLaughlin



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National Wolfwatcher Coalition