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Support Montana's Wolves With Your Comment

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On Feb. 29th, Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks officials announced that the number of wolves in Montana increased by 15 percent to at least 653 animals despite the state’s efforts to reduce the population with an extended hunting season.  The National Wolfwatcher Coalition asserts that the nature of calculating wolf populations in the region is not an exact science; current wolf population numbers are merely estimates and not confirmed data.
As a matter of fact, in a recent peer reviewed scientific study, (Hunting Wolves in Montana – Where Is The Data? Nature and Science, 2011; 9(9): 175-182),   independent biologist, Jay S. Mallonee, revealed that the data collection methods used by Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks re: wolf populations in the state did not follow scientific protocol.  Thus, the resulting data generated by these collection methods must be considered flawed and must not be used as a reference point for making future decisions about wolf management in the state.
A copy of Biologist Mallonee’s study can be found here:
Despite this, Montana FWP still aims to reduce the numbers of wolves in the state. It is presently examining its wolf management plan and considering proposals for a more aggressive hunting season next year – all based on flawed data!    These proposals include allowing: (1) hunters to kill more than one wolf, (2) the purchase of more than one hunting license, (3) the use of electronic calls, (4) trapping, (5) increasing the quota for the number of wolves killed, and (6) baiting wolves, and (7) extending the wolf hunting season.
Thus are asking our supporters to contact Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks via Biologist Mallonee’s website to make a comment in support of his peer-reviewed study and to urge Montana FWP to disclose the scientific data that supports its plan for a more aggressive wolf hunt next year:

(Photo of black wolf by Brandi Nichols)

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