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The Battle Continues…Act Now!

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The Continuing Resolution Bill that was passed by Congress and when it hit the Senate, Senator Harry Reid stated all of the damaging anti environmental and wildlife language was removed.  Not so fast, Senator!  Senator Jon Tester of Montana added language designed to remove wolves from the Endangered Species Act, and this Bill is on the move so we need to act quickly,

The fastest way to express your opinion is to call, and  Wolf Warriors Marc and Nabeki(Howling for Justice) have provided the following list of the key people to contact.

Tell your representatives, and even the President that you want Section 1709 of the Senate version of the spending bill (submitted by Senator Tester) removed from this bill,.  Tell them that you support wolves staying protected under the Endangered Species Act as Science mandates that wolves have not fully recovered to the point that the ecosystem will be stable.  This is a case of science provided by independent biologists should be considered above the political motivated statements by state paid biologists that answer to the very same people that are trying to rid their states of wolves.

The following list was generated by Marc Cooke and Nabeki(Wolf Warriors), and you can also see more from Nabeki on Howling for Justice.

When contacting your Senator, Diane Bentevegna offers these  TALKING POINTS – The Senate Democrats promised that the Senate version of the spending bill would be stripped of legislation meant to score points with special interests. I strongly oppose the rider in Sec. 1709. I am outraged that Senate Democrats would include this language that would gut the Endangered Species Act and imperil all listed plants, fish and wildlife, including the gray wolf.

Bennet, Michael F. – (D – CO)
(202) 224-5852
Fax: (202) 228-5036
Web Form:, Barbara – (D – CA)
(202) 224-3553
Web Form:

Bingaman, Jeff – (D – NM)
(202) 224-5521
Web Form:

Cardin, Benjamin L. – (D – MD)
(202) 224-4524
Fax 202-224-1651
Web Form:

Fax: 1-202-228-2190

Gillibrand, Kirsten E. – (D – NY)
(202) 224-4451
Fax (212) 688-7444
Web Form:

Kerry, John F. – (D – MA)
(202) 224-2742
Web Form:

Frank Lautenberg, NJ

Fax: 1-202-228-4054

Lugar, Richard G. – (R – IN)
(202) 224-4814
Web Form:

Merkley, Jeff – (D – OR)
(202) 224-3753
Fax: (202) 228-3997
Web Form:

Murray, Patty – (D – WA)
(202) 224-2621
Fax: (202) 224-0238
Web Form:

Reed, Jack – (D – RI)
(202) 224-4642
Fax 401- 464-6837
Web Form:

Reid, Harry – (D – NV)
(202) 224-3542
Fax 202-224-7327
Web Form:

Fax: 1-202-228-0776

Schumer, Charles E. – (D – NY)
(202) 224-6542
Fax 202-228-3027
Web Form:

Udall, Mark – (D – CO)
(202) 224-5941
Fax 202-224-6471

Udall, Tom – (D – NM)
(202) 224-6621

Whitehouse, Sheldon – (D-RI)
(202) 224-2921
Fax 202-228-6362
Web Form:

The Whitehouse
Comments: 202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414 FAX: 202-456-2461

If you live in Montana, please contact
Tester, Jon – (D-MT)
(202) 224-2644
Web Form:

The battle for wolves will be never ending, and I ask all of you wolf watchers and wolf warriors to stand up now and be counted.  Wolves need your help now.  Please don’t let them down.  And I know you won’t, as you continue to meet these challenges at every turn and your passion is contagious.  Tell others to join in our fight and…Lets  Save Wolves!!

Dave Hornoff

Wolf Watcher   Understand, Love, Protect

*Wolf photo courtesy of Dan Hartman…Wildlife along the Rockies*

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