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United Postcard Campaign to Save the Endangered Species Act

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As you may already know, the oil and gas industry has already written itself loopholes into the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Air Act and many other laws. Now they’re gunning for the Endangered Species Act.

The beleaguered officials at USFWS just might cave into industry’s latest demands unless we, as wildlife advocates, begin to speak up in defense of the ESA.  The 2012 Interior budget (HR2584) contains some of the most destructive amendments which attack our environment like never before in modern history.  For example, another “rider” shields gray wolf delistings from judicial review – (Section 119).  This provision undercuts one of the most important checks and balances built into the ESA – public participation through the ability of citizens to request judicial review of delistings.

In speaking with several environmental staffers in Washington DC in the last year, we learned that postcards are a noticeable means by which citizens can make their voices heard because they are unique, brief and easily accepted via mail.   

Thus, we encourage our supporters across the nation to send a unique postcard, along with a brief statement in support of the ESA, from your location to a select number of pro-environmental and moderate (on-the-fence) representatives in Congress.  It is our hope that as these postcards from diverse locations will trickle into DC offices so that staffers and their respective representatives will take note and be reminded that America’s ESA supporters are watching carefully.

Decisions affecting the future of our wildlife are looming, and we urge you to take action and share the alert with others, as well.  Below are some ideas for postcard comments; please feel free to use them or, of course, compose your own comment.

  • ‘Thank you for supporting endangered species and the ESA!’

  • “Don’t throw endangered species off the Ark! Strengthen the ESA.”

  • I value wildlife and support conservation measures. Protect the ESA and oppose any bills or amendments that weaken it.

  • I want our government to save America’s disappearing wildlife and last remaining wild places for future generations.  Protect and strengthen the Endangered Species Act.

  • I am among the 84% of Americans who support the Endangered Species Act.  Please help to protect and strengthen it.

  • Using funding bills to attack regulations that safeguard our nation’s wildlife and wild lands is not what the public wants. Please protect and strengthen the ESA.

  • As an American, I enjoy and value our unique natural treasures – wild lands and the wildlife that inhabit them. Please protect and strengthen the ESA.

  • We all have a role to play in helping protect endangered species – because once they are gone, we cannot bring them back. Please protect and strengthen the ESA.

  • I have a long and proud tradition of respect for the Earth’s wildlife and natural resources. Please protect and strengthen the ESA.

  • We have a responsibility to our children and future generations to be good stewards of our environment and to leave behind a legacy of protecting endangered species and the special places they call home.  Please protect and strengthen the ESA.

  •  For over 30 years, the Endangered Species Act has served as the nation’s safety net for wildlife  and safeguarding the habitats on which they all depend.   Please protect and strengthen the ESA so it may continue to protect our plants and animals and the special places they live, from the finality of extinction

Find your Representative by going to this Link, and send your Postcard Today!

List of preferred Senators with positive environmental voting history.







“When I think about the Endangered Species Act, I think of it as a tourniquet applied to an artery that is the lifeblood of Earth. “  Norm Bishop

“This is the only Earth we have. If we ruin this one, there won’t be any other place to live.” Alyssa Grayson, National Wolfwatcher Coalition








National Wolfwatcher Coaltion

Understand, Love, Protect




Romeo photo courtesy of author John Hyde, author of “Romeo”

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