News » All News » URGENT: Wisconsin Wolf Hunting/Trapping Plan Needs Your Voice
URGENT: Wisconsin Wolf Hunting/Trapping Plan Needs Your Voice
June 4, 2012
Urgent Wisconsin Update
(Great Lakes Region)
Photo by Deanna Deppen and Mike Melin
It is critical that the Wisconsin DNR and the Natural Resource Board hear from you now, no matter what state you live in because public lands and wildlife belong to all Americans!
If members of the public wish to speak, he/she must pre-register to testify by contacting Laurie Ross at (608) 267-7420 or
via email at no later than 4 p.m., Thursday, July 12, 2012
Written comments must be received by the same timeframe.
Written comments must be e-mailed to the Natural Resources Board at, or
mailed to Laurie Ross, NRB Liaison, Wisconsin DNR – AD/8, PO Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921.
Urge the DNR to:
- To create zone closures to protect core habitat;
- Prohibit howling as a method to lure wolves;
- Prohibit a dog training season using free ranging wild wolves;
- Prohibit the use of captive animals to train dogs to hunt wolves;
- Prohibit payments for any dogs killed or injured by wolves during the wolf hunting season which runs from 10/15 through February;
- Limit payments for hunting dogs killed or injured by wolves to $200
- Insure the established quota takes into account wolves killed by Wildlife Services, natural mortality, diseases, illegal kills and car collisions;
- Mandate landowners open their lands to hunting and trapping if they receive reimbursement for wolf damage;
- Revise the Wolf Management Plan to reflect current research which suggests Wisconsin has a biological carrying capacity of 700-1000 wolves;
In addition to our video (below), you can find the highlights of our position regarding Wisconsin’s Hunting/Trapping plan, the next steps, public meeting dates and additional talking points to help your voice to be heard:
Wolfwatcher’s Wisconsin Update
Wisconsin’s Wolves Need Your Help
We consider the plan for Wisconsin’s Wolf Hunting/Trapping season to be unnecessarily inhumane and completely unscientific because it is not based on peer-reviewed research.
Your help will be gratefully appreciated.
Board of Directors,
National Wolfwatcher Coalition
Dave Hornoff, Nancy Warren, Maggie Howell, Chris Cross,
Diane Bentivegna, Cindy White Overton
This entry was posted in All News, Front Page News, Great Lakes Wolves, News, Regional Wolves, Take Action, WolfWatcher and tagged hunting, needs, trapping, urgent, voice, wisconsin. Bookmark the permalink.