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Wildlife and Environment are Our Right!
March 6, 2011
Senator Jack Reed,
Dear Senator,
I thought the Senate was righting the HR1 Bill passed by Congress? At least Senator Harry Reid stated just that. You serve on the Senate Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies., I feel you should be most diligent in protecting our environment and wildlife.. Sir, I am appalled that this bill, which was reported to be stripped of all the language that would destroy the ESA, is moving forward with Section 1709 created and included. Senator Tester, your colleague on the same committee, added Section 1709 to this Bill .. This Section will not only remove all gray wolves from protection under the ESA, but will be devastating to many other species as the environment.
I urge you Sir to remove this section of the Bill. To threaten to destroy the Endangered Species Act goes against everything that is American. This Act was created to protect our environment and wildlife, and as a loyal American I put you and the rest of the Senate to the test to secure this Act for us, and for future Americans.
I am part of a very strong Advocacy group, and what the Senate does here going forward will have significant impact on our, future…and our children as well.
I implore you Senator Reed to revisit this issue and make sure it is one based on science and for the good of the people, not one that is good for the Senator from Montana alone. The people of this Country are waiting..
Respectfully submitted,
Dave Hornoff
(Howling Druids ..courtesy of Dan Hartman)
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