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Wisconsin Wolves need our Help Now!
February 27, 2012
Action Alert:
TOMORROW at 10:30 the Wisconsin Senate’s Natural Resources and Environment Committee will host a public meeting to discuss WI Senate Bill 411. The text of this wolf management bill can be found here:
Many people think that the provisions of this bill will result in Wisconsin’s wolves being relisted. Prof. Adrian Treves, a wolf expert from the University of Wisconsin at Madison opposes this bill because he believes it will do little to address the few wolf-livestock conflict issues that are present in the state:
We need to flood the offices of the Wisconsin Committee on Natural Resources and Environment and tell them why we oppose this bill. When you call or write, please state that you are opposed to all management plans that can potentially compromise the future sustainability of wolf populations in the region.
The contact information for Wisconsin Senate’s Natural Resources and Environment Committee can be found at:
Some of the provisions of this wolf plan include hunting at night with lights, hunting with up to 6 dogs (and reimbursing dog owners for dogs injured or killed by wolves), using predator calls, allowing trapping and subsequent clubbing of trapped wolf (or killing by other means).
The season is currently proposed to be Oct. 15 – end of February. This is too long and goes into breeding season.
National Wolfwatcher Coalition 
Understand, Love, Protect
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