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Yellowstone Wolf History with Rick McIntyre

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In Lamar Valley, Yellowstone’s own wolf man, Rick  McIntyre of the  National Parks Service, takes the time to talk to students of the Sacajawea Middle School,  Bozeman, MT.

Marc Cooke and I were wolf watching in Yellowstone the first week of June , and as always for the past twelve years plus Rick McIntyre was looking  for, and studying the activities of Yellowstone’s wolf packs.  Rick hasn’t missed a single day , an amazing feat in itself, but when you consider Rick’s passion for wolves only then would you understand.

Many other wolf watchers follow Rick as he uses telemetry to locate the packs’ wolves that are wearing transmitter collars.  One of his main wolf watching aides is our own Yellowstone Reports Laurie Lyman.

Rick met with students and their teachers from the Sacajawea Middle School out of Bozeman, MT.

Rick McIntyre talking to students from Sacajawea Middle School about Yellowstone Wolves!

They were watching members of the Lamar Canyon Pack and Rick took this opportunity to explain to them what they were watching, and also the history of the wolves from the Rose Creek Pack to the Druids, and the link to the Lamar Canyon Pack’s dynamic alpha female known simply as 06.(She was born in 2006).

We here at the National Wolfwatcher Coalition strongly believe that Education is the key to future wolf advocacy and wolf survival for the many years to come.  It is this next generation and the ones to follow that is our greatest hope for wolves.   I was listening to Laurie Lyman talking to a group of people a few days later and she was stating this very same fact to them..  how important our youth is for not only wolves, but for all wildlife and the environment.

The students at Sacajawea were most attentive and if they are an indication of what we can expect from future generations then there certainly is hope for wolves  still. Way to go Warriors!

Our very own Maggie Howell and her staff at the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem, NY travels to schools with Atka , a magnificent gray wolf, and gives an excellent Ambassador Wolf Presentation , dispelling the many negative myths that surround them.  The significant thing with her presentation is Atka.  Actually seeing a wolf makes such a difference.

Here, in Lamar Valley this first week of June, 2011, the Warriors of Sacajawea saw their ambassador wolves.  They were running free throughout Lamar Valley of Yellowstone National Park.

See the video …


Dave Hornoff

National Wolfwatcher Coalition

Understand, Love, Protect

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