Resources » Biology » Attempt to Cross-Foster Gray Wolf, Canis lupus, Pups into Another Wolf Pack
Attempt to Cross-Foster Gray Wolf, Canis lupus, Pups into Another Wolf Pack
June 15, 2019
We attempted to cross-foster four 18-19 week-old Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) pups into another Wolf pack 182 km from their natal pack territory. The pup introduction was the result of depredation control on a farm in northwestern Wisconsin. Three pups died within 14 days of release. A fourth pup survived along the edge of the new pack territory over winter, dispersed in the spring, joined or formed a new pack and was captured on a depredation complaint four years later.
Document: Cross-Fostering-Pups-WI.pdf
Author(s): Ronald N. Schultz, drian P. Wydeven, Linda S. Winn, & SHeri A. Buller
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