Resources » Biology » Sedentary But Not Dispersing Wolves Canis Lupus Recolonizing Western Poland (2001–2016) Conform to the Predictions of a Habitat Suitability Model
Sedentary But Not Dispersing Wolves Canis Lupus Recolonizing Western Poland (2001–2016) Conform to the Predictions of a Habitat Suitability Model
June 15, 2019
The HSM for Polish wolves predicted with high accuracy the areas later occupied by wolf groups in the western part of the country. A similar approach may also be useful to predict the future distribution of wolves in the lowlands of central and western Europe where environmental conditions are comparable and recolonizing wolves originate from the same source population.
Document: Suitability-Study.pdf
Author(s): Sabina Nowak1, Robert W. Mysłajek, Maciej Szewczyk, Patrycja Tomczak, Tomasz Borowik, Bogumiła Jędrzejewska
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