Resources » Predator/Prey Relationships » Deer » Do Wolf Tracks and Few Deer In Your Fall Hunting Area Mean What You Think They Mean?
Do Wolf Tracks and Few Deer In Your Fall Hunting Area Mean What You Think They Mean?

July 4, 2019
I magine hiking into your favorite deer hunting area up in the northwoods for opening weekend of the white-tailed deer firearm season, or two weeks beforehand, to scout for deer sign. For hours you visit some of your favorite spots that over the years have yielded varying amounts of satisfactory to very good return on your hunting investments, be it in the form of decentsized bucks with racks that made you feel good to talk about, or antlerless deer that simply provided suitable amounts of venison for the table.
Document: Do-Wolf-Tracks-Few-Deer-Mean-What-You-Think.pdf 
Author(s): Glenn D. DelGiudice
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