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Killing Wolves And Farming Caribou Benefit Industry, Not Caribou: A Response To Stan Boutin

July 4, 2019
In Nature Alberta Fall 2016, we wrote an open letter to Premier Notley (Proulx et al. 2016), where we requested that the Alberta Government refrain from predator control and fencing caribou for recovering the Little Smoky caribou population. In addition, we argued that recovery can and should proceed by means of habitat conservation, restoration, and connectivity. In the Winter issue of Nature Alberta, University of Alberta biologist, Stan Boutin, responded to our Open Letter (Boutin 2017) and defended the Alberta Government’s (2016) costly program to which he is an important contributor (Pascoe 2016).
Document: Killing-Wolves-No-Benefit-Caribou.pdf 
Author(s): Gilbert Proulx
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