National Wolfwatcher Coalition National Wolfwatcher Coalition
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Suggested Reading

  • Wolf Nation: The Life, Death, and Return of Wild American Wolves – May 2, 2017 by Brenda Peterson 
    Brenda Peterson tells the 300-year history of wild wolves in America. It is also our own history, seen through our relationship with wolves. The earliest Americans revered them. Settlers zealously exterminated them. Now, scientists, writers, and ordinary citizens are fighting to bring them back to the wild.
  • BOOK REVIEW: The Real Wolf by Ted B Lyon & Will N Graves
    The Real Wolf is mostly a political book that attempts to create negative perspectives on wolves and gain support for such negative perspectives (PDF)
  • A Wolf Called Romeo by Nick Jans
    A personal and community chronology of the interactions among the people of Juneau, Alaska, their dogs, and the black wolf Romeo.
  • In the Temple of Wolves: A Winter’s Immersion in Wild Yellowstone by Rick Lamplugh
    Available as eBook or paperback at Or as a signed copy from the author at
  • Wild Wolves We Have Known: Stories of Wolf Biologists’ Favorite Wolves
    Wolf experts from the U.S., Canada, and Europe (David Mech, Rick McIntyre, Doug Smith, Rolf Peterson, and many more) share stories of remarkable wolves.
  • In Wolf Country: The Power and Politics of Reintroduction by Jim Yuskavitch.
    The story of the first wolves that dispersed from reintroduced areas in Idaho and re-colonized the Pacific Northwest.
  • The Wolf’s Tooth: Keystone Predators, Trophic Cascades, and Biodiversity by Christina Eisenberg.
    Explores the essential role of wolves and other predators in regulating ecosystems.
  • Collared: Politics and Personalities in Oregon’s Wolf Country by Aimee Lyn Eaton.
    Tracks the events and emotions that unfolded when wolves that had been reintroduced elsewhere came to Oregon.
  • The Homeward Wolf  by Kevin Van Tighem.
    About the wolves of Alberta by a writer who has studied Canadian wildlife and habitat for almost 40 years.
  • Another Country: Journeying Toward the Cherokee Mountains by Christopher Camuto.
    Explores the Great Smoky Mountains, including the attempted restoration of the red wolf to Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
  • In The Shadow of a Rainbow: The True Story of a Friendship Between Man and Wolf by Robert Franklin Leslie.
    The story (as told to the author) about the friendship of a young Tmishan Indian of British Columbia and a female alpha wolf.
  • Wolves of Isle Royale: A Broken Balance by Rolf Peterson.
    Reveals some of the secrets and details of the one-of-a-kind study of wolves on Isle Royale.
  • Wolves of Cocolalla: Wolf Love Stories by Bill Taylor.
    The author has worked with wolves for 20 years and shares stories of love, happiness, and sadness about wolves.
  • The Killing of Wolf Number Ten: The True Story by Thomas McNamee (2014)
    Tells the story of the release of wolves into Yellowstone, the shooting of Wolf 10, and the hunt for the wolf’s killer.
  • Badluck Way: A Year on the Ragged Edge of the West by Bryce Andrews (2014)
    This memoir of a young man, a wolf, their parallel lives and ultimate collision describes life on the remote Sun Ranch in southwest Montana, just over the border from Yellowstone.
  • The Carnivore Way: Coexisting with and Conserving North America’s Predators by Cristina Eisenberg (2014)
    Eisenberg argues for the necessity of top predators such as wolves, and how a continental-long corridor—a “carnivore way”—provides the room they need to roam.
  • The Hidden Life of Wolves by Jim Dutcher and Jamie Dutcher (2013)
    Delve into wolf photography by the Dutchers, a couple who spent years living with a pack of wolves at the edge of Idaho’s Sawtooth Wilderness, observing their complex social hierarchy.
  • Wolves in the Land of Salmon by David Moskowitz (2013)
    Moskowitz helps us understand exactly what it means to be a wolf. His training as a wildlife tracker gives him insider knowledge he shares. Includes photos.
  • The Secret World of Red Wolves: The Fight to Save North America’s Other Wolf by T. DeLene Beeland (2013)
    Beeland shadows the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s pioneering recovery program over the course of a year to craft a portrait of the red wolf, its history, and its restoration.
  • Decade of the Wolf, revised and updated edition: Returning the Wild to Yellowstone by Douglas W. Smith and Gary Ferguson (2012)
    Written by an award-winning writer and the leader of the Yellowstone Wolf Project, this definitive and updated book recounts the years since the wolves’ return to Yellowstone.
  • Wolfer: A Memoir by Carter Niemeyer (2012)
    From his early years as a trapper to winning a skinning contest that paved the way for wolf reintroduction, Niemeyer reveals how he went from trapper to wolf advocate.
  • Wolves: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation edited by L. David Mech and Luigi Boitani (2007)
    Many of the world’s leading wolf experts provide coverage of just about everything you could want to know about wolves.
  • Yellowstone Wolves in the Wild by James C. Halfpenny (2003)
    Spectacular color photos of Yellowstone National Park’s wild wolves plus eye-witness stories from park scientists and wolf watchers.

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition