National Wolfwatcher Coalition National Wolfwatcher Coalition
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Posts Tagged: alyssa

Jr. Advocate Alyssa Grayson: “It’s Up to Us To Use Our Voices”

The voice of the next generation implores us to find solutions. Will we honor our commitment to our children to bestow them a healthy, balanced wilderness? read more

Alyssa Grayson Gives Keynote Address at National Event

Junior Advocate, Alyssa Grayson, speaks out against proposed delisting draft rule and urges or participation in the process. read more

Alyssa Grayson: "May 5th is a sober anniversary…"

“Wolves are just starting to return; their populations are not stable – not enough to sustain biodiversity.” read more

Meet Alyssa Grayson: Wolfwatcher Junior Adviser

“On May 21, 2012 Rhode Island’s Wakefield Hills Elementary School’s students were gifted with a special presentation from a former student and classmate, Alyssa Grayson.” read more

Alyssa Grayson Awarded the HSUS Kind Kid Award

“It is with great pleasure that we take this opportunity to announce that one of our most accomplished Junior Advocates, Alyssa Grayson, is the recipient of the Humane Society of the United States’ Kind Kid Award, 2012.” read more

“Wolf Paws” by Alyssa Grayson

“There are a lot of interesting facts about wolves, but today I’m going to tell you about their beautiful paws.” read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition