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Posts Tagged: aspen

Aspen is Making a Comeback in and Around Yellowstone National Park, Because of Predators

Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) recruitment during the 1980s–90s was suppressed by Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus canadensis) herbivory on winter ranges in the Yellowstone region, and saplings (young aspen taller than 2 m) were rare. Following the 1995–96 reintroduction of gray … read more

Restoration of the Iconic Pando Aspen Clone: Emerging Evidence of Recovery

Pando, the world’s largest living organism — and possibly its oldest — is being destroyed by the voracious appetite of mule deer.  According to the authors, “Humans have eliminated predators,” Without wolves prowling the area, deer populations not only explode, but … read more

Elk, aspen & wolves:

In the past decade, separate studies have come to opposite conclusions about the growth of young aspen trees in Yellowstone National Park… read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition