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Posts Tagged: based

Carnivore Conservation Needs Evidence-Based Livestock Protection

Scientists alone cannot transform policies for implementation. The pursuit of science-based management must be truly interdisciplinary and involve carnivore ecologists, animal husbandry scientists, social scientists, natural resource managers, ethicists, and other scholars and practitioners. Political leaders can also play a … read more

Carnivore Conservation Needs Evidence-Based Livestock Protection

Carnivore predation on livestock often leads people to retaliate. Persecution by humans has contributed strongly to global endangerment of carnivores. Preventing livestock losses would help to achieve three goals common to many human societies: preserve nature, protect animal welfare, and … read more

Coyote Control Based on Scientific House of Cards

Complaint Seeks to End Federal Reliance on Flawed 42-Year-Old Study / Dec 20, 2017 Washington, DC — Federal strategy and funding for coyote control efforts are all rooted in one inaccurate, speculative, and outmoded 1975 study, according to a complaint filed … read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition