Posts Tagged: behavior
Video observations of wolves hunting ungulates on linear features
June 30, 2023
Anthropogenic linear features allow wolves to travel faster and more efficiently, which is thought to increase wolf hunting efficiency of ungulates. Most previous studies have evaluated the role of linear features in wolf-ungulate dynamics by relying on indirect observations (e.g., … read more
Posted in Biology, Resources | Tagged anthropogenic, behavior, Canis lupus, Deer fawns, Linear feature, predation, white-tailed deer
How do YouTube videos impact tolerance of wolves?
December 31, 2020
The internet serves as a dominant source of information and may shape tolerance of wildlife species. Our experimental study examined how respondents’ tolerance for wolves (i.e., attitudes, acceptance, and behavior) changed after viewing wolf related YouTube videos. Respondents were randomly … read more
Posted in Human Dimensions | Tagged acceptance, attitudes, behavior, Canis lupus, tolerance, wolves
A Comparison of Facial Color Pattern and Gazing Behavior in Canid Species Suggests Gaze Communication in Gray Wolves (Canis lupus)
June 15, 2019
As facial color pattern around the eyes has been suggested to serve various adaptive functions related to the gaze signal, we compared the patterns among 25 canid species, focusing on the gaze signal, to estimate the function of facial color … read more
Posted in Biology | Tagged behavior, color, comparison, facial, gazing, pattern