Posts Tagged: borne

Cascading effects of predator activity on tick-borne disease risk
August 30, 2019
Predators and competitors of vertebrates can in theory reduce the density of infected nymphs (DIN)—an often-used measure of tick-borne disease risk by lowering the density of reservoir-competent hosts and/or the tick burden on reservoir-competent hosts. We investigated this possible indirect … read more
Posted in Benefits of Wolves | Tagged activity, borne, cascading, disease, effects, predator

Gray Wolf Exposure to Emerging Vector-Borne Diseases in Wisconsin with Comparison to Domestic Dogs and Humans
June 30, 2019
World-wide concern over emerging vector-borne diseases has increased in recent years for both animal and human health. In the United Sates, concern about vector-borne diseases in canines has focused on Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, and heartworm which infect domestic and … read more
Posted in CWD & Other Diseases | Tagged borne, comparison, diseases, emerging, exposure, vector, wisconsin