Posts Tagged: Canis lupus
Quantifying the effects of delisting wolves after the first state began lethal management
July 31, 2021
Predators and their protection are controversial worldwide. Gray wolves, Canis lupus, lost U.S. federal protection (delisting) and the State of Wisconsin began lethal management first among all states and tribes that regained authority over wolves. Here we evaluated the initial … read more
Posted in Hunting Wolves | Tagged Anthropogenic mortality, Canis lupus, Human-caused mortality, hunting, Illegal take, poaching, policy, Regulated an dunregulated off-take, U.S. endangered species act, Wisconsin gray wolf
Influence of body mass and environmental conditions on winter mortality risk of a northern ungulate: Evidence for a late-winter survival bottleneck
July 31, 2021
Identifying limiting factors for animals with seasonally dynamic life histories sometimes requires understanding intra-annual periods of resource scarcity (e.g., Ashmole, 1963). For ungulates living in northern environments, winter is generally a period of negative energy budget when forage provides some … read more
Posted in General, Predator/Prey Relationships | Tagged Canis latrans, Canis lupus, cause-specific mortality, Odocoileus virginianus, weather, winter severity index
Immigration does not offset harvest mortality in groups of a cooperatively breeding carnivore
January 30, 2021
The effects of harvest on cooperatively breeding species are often more complex than simply subtracting the number of animals that died from the group count. Changes in demographic rates, particularly dispersal, could offset some effects of harvest mortality in groups … read more
Posted in Hunting Wolves | Tagged Canis lupus, compensatory immigration, cooperative breeder, dispersal, gray wolf, social structure
How do YouTube videos impact tolerance of wolves?
December 31, 2020
The internet serves as a dominant source of information and may shape tolerance of wildlife species. Our experimental study examined how respondents’ tolerance for wolves (i.e., attitudes, acceptance, and behavior) changed after viewing wolf related YouTube videos. Respondents were randomly … read more
Posted in Human Dimensions | Tagged acceptance, attitudes, behavior, Canis lupus, tolerance, wolves
Population responses of common ravens to reintroduced gray wolves
November 30, 2020
Top predators have cascading effects throughout the food web, but their impacts on scavenger abundance are largely unknown. Gray wolves (Canis lupus) provide carrion to a suite of scavenger species, including the common raven (Corvus corax). Ravens are wide‐ranging and … read more
Posted in Trophic Cascade | Tagged Canis lupus, common raven, Corvus corax, gray wolf, scavenger, Yellowstone National Park
Wolf Delisting Challenges Demonstrate Need for an Improved Framework for Conserving Intraspecific Variation under the Endangered Species Act
November 30, 2020
If applied generally to other species, the 2019 rule’s approach to ESA implementation would represent a significant scaling back of recovery efforts for widely distributed species that would increase both short term vulnerability and long-term loss of adaptive potential. Recent … read more
Posted in Front Page News, News | Tagged adaptive potential, Canis lupus, conservation genomics, distinct population segment, recovery planning