Posts Tagged: carnivores

The Role of Wolves in Regulating a Chronic Non-communicable Disease, Osteoarthritis, in Prey Populations
May 5, 2022
It is widely accepted that predators disproportionately prey on individuals that are old, weak, diseased or injured. By selectively removing individuals with diseases, predators may play an important role in regulating the overall health of prey populations. However, that idea … read more
Posted in CWD & Other Diseases, Resources | Tagged bone disease, carnivores, chronic pathology, disease dynamics, resource selection, selective predation, senescent related pathology, ungulates

Liberalizing the killing of wolves State of the science
December 30, 2021
Recently, some state governments began pursuing aggressive efforts to reduce wolf populations through programs that include liberalized hunting and trapping seasons, and efforts to incentivize killing (e.g., bounties). These efforts represent a departure from policies of the recent past, raising … read more
Posted in Hunting Wolves | Tagged Bounties, carnivores, killing, Policies, science, State Government, wolves

Forest Carnivore Conservation and Management in the Interior Columbia Basin: Issues and Environmental Correlates
August 29, 2021
Forest carnivores in the Pacific Northwest include 11 medium to large-sized mammalian species of canids, felids, mustelids, and ursids. These carnivores have widely differing status in the region, with some harvested in regulated furbearer seasons, some taken for depredations, and … read more
Posted in Pacific West Wolves | Tagged animal damage, black bear, bobcat, carnivores, conservation, conservation biology, coyote, disturbance, fisher, forest management, fragmentation, geographic information systems, gray wolf, grizzly bear, late successional forest, lynx, management, marten, mountain lion, river otter, roads, wilderness, wolverine

Can Large Carnivores Change Stream via Trophic Cascade?
July 6, 2019
Large carnivores were persecuted in Yellowstone National Park, WY, USA, during the late 1800s and early 1900s, leading to extirpation of grey wolves (Canis lupus) and cougars (Puma concolor). Soon thereafter increased herbivory of riparian plant communities by Rocky Mountain … read more
Posted in Trophic Cascade | Tagged carnivores, cascade, change, large, stream, trophic

Rewilding the World’s Large Carnivores
July 6, 2019
Earth’s terrestrial large carnivores form a highly endangered group of species with unique conservation challenges. The majority of these species have experienced major geographical range contractions, which puts many of them at high risk of extinction or of becoming ecologically … read more
Posted in Trophic Cascade | Tagged carnivores, large, rewilding, world

Fear of Large Carnivores Causes a Trophic Cascade
July 6, 2019
The fear large carnivores inspire, independent of their direct killing of prey, may itself cause cascading effects down food webs potentially critical for conserving ecosystem function, particularly by affecting large herbivores and mesocarnivores. However, the evidence of this has been … read more
Posted in Trophic Cascade | Tagged carnivores, cascade, causes, large, trophic