Posts Tagged: cascade
Can Large Carnivores Change Stream via Trophic Cascade?
July 6, 2019
Large carnivores were persecuted in Yellowstone National Park, WY, USA, during the late 1800s and early 1900s, leading to extirpation of grey wolves (Canis lupus) and cougars (Puma concolor). Soon thereafter increased herbivory of riparian plant communities by Rocky Mountain … read more
Posted in Trophic Cascade | Tagged carnivores, cascade, change, large, stream, trophic
Fear of Large Carnivores Causes a Trophic Cascade
July 6, 2019
The fear large carnivores inspire, independent of their direct killing of prey, may itself cause cascading effects down food webs potentially critical for conserving ecosystem function, particularly by affecting large herbivores and mesocarnivores. However, the evidence of this has been … read more
Posted in Trophic Cascade | Tagged carnivores, cascade, causes, large, trophic
Recolonizing Wolves Trigger a Trophic Cascade in Wisconsin
July 5, 2019
We tested the hypothesis that wolves are reducing local browse intensity by white-tailed deer, thus indirectly mitigating the biotic impoverishment of understorey plant communities in northern Wisconsin. To assess the potential for such a top-down trophic cascade response, we developed … read more
Posted in Trophic Cascade | Tagged cascade, recolonizing, trigger, trophic, wisconsin, wolves
New research confirms wolves trigger a trophic cascade (Wisconsin)
June 14, 2013
“The results of this research indicated clear evidence that the presence of wolves is associated with a trophic cascade of events.” read more
Posted in All News, Front Page News, Great Lakes Wolves, News, Regional Wolves, WolfWatcher | Tagged cascade, confirms, research, trigger, trophic, wolves