National Wolfwatcher Coalition National Wolfwatcher Coalition
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Posts Tagged: coalition


“In recognition of this auspicious event and the serious plight of America’s most remarkable apex predator, the wolf, we respectfully announce the arrival of a new nonprofit organization..” read more

Canadian Wolf Coalition.. "Wolf Sterilization Management?"

“The plan for this fiscal was to sterilize approximately 10 wolves (Approximately 3 new packs and a few stragglers).” read more

Support the Candian Wolf Coalition!

Support the Canadian Wolf Coalition in their never ending battles to save wolves… read more

Jerry Black threatens to sue FWP over wolf-ruling coalition

Jerry Black, a retired airline pilot and activist from Missoula, sent a letter this week to Maurier requesting that FWP “disband the coalition and cease any further collaboration.” read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition