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Posts Tagged: coexistence

Indigenizing the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation

Although a diversity of approaches to wildlife management persists in Canada and the United States of America, the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation (NAM) is a prevailing model for state, provincial, and federal agencies. The success of the NAM … read more

Livestock Manangement for Coexistence with Large Carnivores, Healthy Land & Productive Ranches

Livestock – large carnivore coexistence practitioners can be more effective by expanding from a  direct focus on carnivores and predation-prevention tools to the broader social-ecological context of ranches and rural communities, especially livestock management. Ranchers can apply many of the … read more

Managing Conflict: Coexistence with Bears, Cougars, and Wolves

Wolves, grizzly bears, and cougars are symbolic and contested animals. They are vital to ecosystem health, but represent wilderness and mystery to some and vermin and destruction to others. Whether large carnivore populations expand numerically or spatially is not a … read more

A Ranchers Guide – Coexistence Among Livestock, People & Wolves

The overall goal of this guide is to describe various tools and provide information about methods that can be adapted to prevent and minimize conflicts among livestock and wolves where they overlap. The guide outlines various management and husbandry techniques … read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition