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Posts Tagged: congress

Members of Congress Accuse the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of Not Protecting Red Wolves

By Ken Fine Photo Courtesy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service The nine members of Congress who penned a letter to Interior Secretary Sally Jewell say they blame the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the state of the … read more

Advocating for Wolves – Report Sent to Congress

View “Advocating for Wolves”, a report sent to every congressman urging to vote “No” on HR 843 and 884. read more

Wisconsin: Spring Conservation Congress Update

“Please consider attending and sharing the following as a Wolfwatcher supporter. We appreciate your willingness to speak out on behalf of wolves.” read more

Wisconsin Spring Conservation Congress Hearings/Public Comments

“You should familiarize yourself with the questionnaire. There are many questions that may interest you, not just the use of dogs to hunt wolves.” Nancy Warren, Great Lakes Regional Director

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Tell Congress to Make it RIGHT!

“This Take Action is supported by Earthjustice as what we should now be doing moving forward. Contact your Representatives and let them know they mad a big mistake, and they need to fix it now!” read more

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