National Wolfwatcher Coalition National Wolfwatcher Coalition
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Posts Tagged: defenders

Mike Leahy, Defenders of Wildlife Regional Director, Northern Rockies

Thanks to Mike Leahy for his time, and more importantly for the drive and passion in which he does his job advocating for wildlife and wildlife habitat. read more

Meet Jamie Rappaport Clark: Defenders of Wildlife

“Soon to be President and CEO of Defenders of Wildlife, I had the opportunity, and pleasure, of talking to Jamie Rappaport Clark…” read more

Defenders of Wildlife:Take Action for Wolves Today!!

“And I know the important difference that comments from caring people like you can make in protecting the animals that you and I care about.” read more

Defenders say it’s met obligation on wolf payments

Defenders announced on Aug. 20 that it would be ending its precedent-setting compensation program on Sept. 10 in response to new federal legislation that provides funding for state programs to take its place. read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition