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Posts Tagged: disease

Wolves contribute to disease control in a multi-host system

We combine model results with field data for a system of wolves (Canis lupus) that prey on wild boar (Sus scrofa), a wildlife reservoir of tuberculosis, to examine how predation may contribute to disease control in multi-host systems. Results show … read more

Unraveling the key to the resistance of canids to prion diseases

One of the characteristics of prions is their ability to infect some species but not others and prion resistant species have been of special interest because of their potential in deciphering the determinants for susceptibility. Previously, we developed different in … read more

Cascading effects of predator activity on tick-borne disease risk

Predators and competitors of vertebrates can in theory reduce the density of infected nymphs (DIN)—an often-used measure of tick-borne disease risk by lowering the density of reservoir-competent hosts and/or the tick burden on reservoir-competent hosts. We investigated this possible indirect … read more

Wolves contribute to disease control in a multi-host system

We combine model results with feld data for a system of wolves (Canis lupus) that prey on wild boar (Sus scrofa), a wildlife reservoir of tuberculosis, to examine how predation may contribute to disease control in multi-host systems. Results show … read more

Deer Survival Is Influenced By Many Factors Including Disease, Predation, Weather, And Hunter Harvest.

In the Upper Peninsula (UP), deer survival is especially influenced by winter food supply and cover. Research is needed to better understand the impact of predation on deer, while also determining how predation is influenced by winter weather and deer … read more

Hidden Cost Of Disease In A Free-ranging Ungulate: Brucellosis Reduces Mid-winter Pregnancy In Elk

Demonstrating disease impacts on the vital rates of free-ranging mammalian hosts typically requires intensive, long-term study. Evidence for chronic pathogens affecting reproduction but not survival is rare, but has the potential for wide-ranging effects. Accurately quantifying disease-associated reductions in fecundity … read more

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