Posts Tagged: ecological

Anthropogenic Food Subsidies Hinder The Ecological Role Of Wolves: Insights For Conservation Of Apex Predators In Human-modified Landscapes
December 3, 2019
In ecologically pristine ecosystems, top-down effects of apex predators play a fundamental role in shaping trophic cascades and structuring ecosystems, but in human-modified landscapes anthropogenic effects may markedly alter the ecological role of predators. In particular, human-provisioned food subsidies represent … read more
Posted in Biology | Tagged anthropogenic, conservation, ecological, hinder, insights, subsidies, wolves

Carnivore Repatriation And Holarctic Prey: Narrowing The Deficit In Ecological Effectiveness
July 6, 2019
The continuing global decline of large carnivores has catalyzed great interest in reintroduction to restore populations and to reestablish ecologically functional relationships. I used variation in the distribution of four Holarctic prey species and their behavior as proxies to investigate … read more
Posted in Trophic Cascade | Tagged carnivore, deficit, ecological, effectiveness, holarctic, narrowing, repatriation

Ecological Studies of Wolves on Isle Royale
June 8, 2018
Isle Royale – Between January 2017 and January 2018, the wolf population continued to be comprised of just two wolves on Isle Royale. Moose abundance probably increased over the past year even though the most recent point estimate declined from … read more
Posted in Great Lakes Wolves, News, Regional Wolves | Tagged ecological, royale, studies, wolves