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Posts Tagged: humans

Michigan DNR said it killed wolves to protect humans

Michigan DNR said it killed wolves to protect humans. Officials at the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and some lawmakers opposed to wolf protection policies were found to have embroidered, misstated or outright fictionalized the threat that gray wolves posed to … read more

The Fear of Wolves – A Review of Wolf Attacks on Humans

Because of the large scales at which large carnivores live, their conservation cannot occur only within protected areas. They must therefore be conserved within multi-use landscapes where conflicts with humans occur. Conflicts are diverse and include depredation on livestock and … read more

Wolves Lead and Dogs Follow, But They Both Cooperate With Humans

Due to their convergent evolution, dogs have been suggested as a good model for the evolution of human social skills, such as tolerance and cooperativeness. However, recent studies have revealed that wolves (dogs’ closest undomesticated relatives) are more tolerant and … read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition