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Posts Tagged: interventions

Myths and assumptions about human-wildlife conflict and coexistence

Recent extinctions often resulted from humans retaliating against wildlife that threatened people’s interests or were perceived to threaten current or future interests. Today’s subfield of human-wildlife conflict and coexistence (HWCC) grew out of an original anthropocentric concern with such real … read more

How Long Do Anti-Predator Interventions Remain Effective? Patterns, Thresholds and Uncertainty

Human–predator conflicts are globally widespread, and effective interventions are essential to protect human assets from predator attacks. As effectiveness also has a temporal dimension, it is of importance to know how long interventions remain most effective and to determine time … read more

Differentiating Between Regulation and Hunting as Conservation Interventions

Protecting biodiversity requires that we correctly identify major threats and effective interventions to abate them (Salafsky & Margoluis 2003; Sutherland et al. 2004). If the scientific community wants the world to heed our warnings of ecosystem collapse (Ripple et al. … read more

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